Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What's the Future of Mobile Technology

Hey Everyone out there...
Hope all of you are doing great and enjoying the latest news, views, games, blogs, mails, movies, music, shopping....(huh..this list is non exhaustive!!!) on your PCs, Lappies, IPhones, Ipads....(huh..I bet even this is unending!!!).
Well all this and more coming our way each day, week and month I can't hold myself to think that how we are moving towards our future. What is really going to be the future of Mobile Technology or technology as a whole!!!.

For all of you who missed out on the latest adventures & childbirths.. ;-), in Mobile world, here is a teaser : MWC.

All these new "Tech-ventions"...makes me quite excited as every month you can expect the piece in your hand right now, which you think is the most intellectual and lethal of gadgets known to man till date, is going to be the most stone-aged and obsolete thing ever known in the history of mankind.

In my recent visit to the Scientific museum in London Science Museum, I came across the sections depicting history of our communication technology. The pieces displayed there were no doubt antiques, but it made me think that our elders had held by them to make their lives easier. Going forward our future generations will be in the same place as us and will laugh at the technology we are using today.

But at one corner of my head I couldn't stop thinking that where are we going. If you look around you and give it a minimum thought you will realize how technology has made us increasingly dependant on it. just imagine living for even an hour without your mobile phone. Or what if something happens to the Internet for 1 day..Can you imagine how our lives will be drastically changed if any such event happens.

Well if you can't imagine try switching off your mobile phones for just 5 mins when you reach your home today. I bet you feel an urge to switch it on ASAP.

So the question now is what are we doing to secure our futures so if something unexpected happens we don't feel left out to the stone age. Any ideas!!!! let me know :)

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